I just had to share these blogs with my readers. They will knock your socks off! Happy Weekend.
If you want to see one of the best Blogs in Blogdom go to http://afancifultwist.typepad.com/. The blogger is Vanessa Valencia, she is an amazing artist! She is the fantasy that I have of myself...carefree, whimiscal and artsy. She has been featured in The Artful Blogger (BTW: great source for blogs).
Soule Mama is another one of my "go to" blogs. She is another amazing mother to 4 children, artist and blogger. She is actually a seamstress.
Another blog that I have recently stumbbled upon is Na Da Farm http://nadafarmlife.blogspot.com/. Anne Marie is a mother to 5 young children. She is another wonderful seamstress.
What I love about Amanda Soule and Anne Marie is that they are mothers to more than 2 children and are able to make the most amazing home life for their husbands and children. They are women I aspire to be like, creative, loving, soulful, inspirational and have lots of energy (or least this is my perception from their blogs).
If you have sometime this weekend do check out these three women, the are full of inspiration!!!
I love love love Soule Mama! I'll have to check out the other one!! Hope all is well my friend!
Thanks Katherine! Soule Mama is awesome. Things are better today.
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