Friday, February 19, 2010


Last week, I had sometime to myself---so what does any mom do who has some free time? Why, mop the floor of course! After I finished my much needed mopping I put my feet up for a few moments and caught an episode of Oprah. Celine Dion was her guest (it was a very, very rare moment. I used to watch Oprah all the time...but now, there is just not the time for it and I do not use DVR---I am lame that way) moving on here...I think Celine Dion is one of those rare superstars who is actually a human being and loves her family. She was telling "O" while on tour last year, her son had lost his beloved Lamb, a very special lovey at a hotel where they had stayed. Her story reminded me of our family's loss of a beloved lovey, Kitty. 

A while back I wrote about Owen's Kitty (the one we lost at Costco & sadly never found FYI---if anyone can tell me how to link previous posts I would LOVE to know how to do it! Again, I am lame when it comes to this stuff....).  Unlike Kitty's demise...they were able to find her son's Lamb. She was crying and she said that she wanted that Lamb back just as much or more than her son because of what it represented. It represented all those special moments between child, lovey and mommy. It smelled of her son's breath, his sweat and tears. It made miss Kitty all over again. She described it beautifully, as that is just how felt when Kitty was lost. Celine said that she was every bit as attached to her son's Lamb as he was. I feel so much the same way. I'm just as attached to the boys' lovey's as they are. I feel as though they are an extentsion of me when I'm not there with them, such as in the middle of the night.

Please let me intorduce to you our Lovey's.....

I have lots of pictures of Jettson with his "Way." Somehow this one captures the feeling of his beloved. I wish it were in focus, it was taken with my cell phone back in Christmas of 2006. His Lovey is a huge chenille blanket. Way has been with him since the beginning. Way has holes and is well worn with love. Way is large enough to encompass Jett and myself. We have wrapped ourselves up with Way many, many days and nights. Way has gone on lots of trips, has been there for every boo boo, every disappointment, every joy, every little event of Jett's life for the past 6 years. Way is always waiting for Jettson after school. I cannot tell you how many times he has fallen to the ground with his beloved blanket and let out the most satisfying sigh a mother has heard. His blanket says, he is home, he is safe and loved! One time we left Way at someone's house. Jettson cried his little heart out and so did I. I know what his blanket means to him and to me. It encompasses all of Jett's special moments and there is nothing in the world that can replace it! I have a feeling Way will be with Jett through many more years.

Owen has gone on a journey with finding the love of his life. As mentioned we lost Kitty. We have gone through many more Kitty's since. None of them have stuck. He loves on them for a bit loses it and moves on to another. This past September Auntie Selena gave Owen a stuffed Curious George for his 2nd birthday. George has stuck! George goes with us everywhere...George has replaced Kitty. George has the right smell now. George was the missing link. George eats with Owen, takes baths with Owen, gets dressed with Owen, goes on most every car ride with Owen. And no, I do not have  a back I learned with Kitty...nothing replaces the original. It is just not the same. I am extra careful with George as I do not want to lose him like Kitty (I think it is odd that he would not replace Kitty with another fake Kitty...but ended up bonding with George instead).  

Owen said that George needed a drink of milk after his Valentine dessert...this is a very typical scene for George...being dipped in milk...the bathtub, found under the bed, under the covers, in mommy's bed, in the car at the driver's wheel....a future blog should be "Where's George Now?"
I found this great article that helped me understand a little more about the boy's lovey's.

Do your children have lovey's? Are you just attached to them?



regina said...

we have 'ducky' and 'blankie' (very original with names here!). Isaiah discovered Ducky when he was 10 months old; he crawled over to where I had all of his stuffed animals, plucked Ducky out from the bunch, and just rolled around on the floor hugging him like they were long-lost friends! Thus began the friendship... Ducky is his #1 love; other ducks have joined the family, but as he said, "Ducky is my oldest duck". He is no longer bright yellow, and not soft since he's had to be washed so much, but he has his own special texture, and he is very VERY loved! just like in the Velveteen Rabbit. Blankie is a Christmas blanket Seth's aunt made for Isaiah 12/07, which he just loves (it's crib-sized) and it still is big enough to sleep with. It has a nice soft texture; it's quilted on the top, so cozy too. I don't know what we'll do when that blanket isn't big enough! I love seeing him connected with his lovies, they really are part of the family like you said. Very interesting too about Owen, and I agree; you can't have a "back up" of a true lovie, they are more than appearance, they have a special feel because of how much they are LOVED! they are used more, and you can't just make that happen. Anyways, cute post and love the pic of Jett with Way!

Christy & the Boys said...

Aw...I love what Isaiah said about Ducky! He is his oldest duck! Just melts my heart, truly. Sweet loveys! Thank you, Regina for sharing how your loveys came into your lives.

Melanie said...

Dylan has a blankie, and even thought I bought two (one was going to be used while the other was being washed, etc), he can tell the difference and will tell me if it's the "wrong" one.

Christy & the Boys said...

That is so cute. I love that all of our boys have loveys! How sweet is that?

ms_smartiepants said...

Micah had "Fluffy," a little pillow that Esther made for his crib before he was born. We lost it somewhere last summer and he still cries when he thinks about makes me so sad! Carys has a blankie and also "Snuggley," a stuffed coyote that she just HAD to have from the Yosemite gift shop last year. Actually, come to think of it, Carys got her lovey on the same trip when Micah lost his...weird.