Monday, March 15, 2010

Good Times Ahead

Sometimes, I am just not sure how much I want to "put out there" in the blogosphere? I am sure I am not the only one. My personal family (you know, dad, sisters, aunts, cousins, in-laws, extended friends who are more like family, etc.) some of us have had some real ups and downs lately. I have been trying my best to be positive. My world view is this...all of life is a tragedy and if anything good comes out of the mix it's a perk! Hey, it keeps me from getting super disappointed. I have a feeling though that things are going to get better and start looking up for everyone. Life is too short, and if we are constantly focusing on the tragedy of life, how can we ever enjoy the perks that do come our way? 

It's a new day, and today I get to write my chapter the way I want it, not the way the tragedy wants it.

I thank God (yes, I wrote God) today, that He has given me the fortitude to endure all my life's tragedys. However, today I am going to enjoy some of the perks that have come my way, health, peace, love, kindness, grace and mercy. These are the perks in my life that I have been given today. I have such a loving, kind and patient husband and two little boys who love their mama! In light of those perks today---I just know that good times are ahead not only for me, but for my family as well. I wish them nothing but the perks that I have been given today in this life.



Anonymous said...

I can understand the trepidation of putting it all out there. Sometimes I feel that way too, but I think it really depends on WHY you blog, kwim? I blog on purpose to put it all out there, and sometimes that does cause discomfort with myself (or sometimes others). I love that you give us a tiny peek into your life, and that from far away I can still feel connected to the people and places I care about. :)

Hartley said...

My favorite saying is 'This too shall pass'. When we are in the midst of tragedy, it is so hard to believe there is another side -- but there always is. :)

Thanks for sharing -- and thanks for joining my blog!

Take care,