Monday, March 8, 2010

Alice, Dinners & Oscars

Our weekend kicked off with my best friend and her family coming over for dinner. It's been a long while since we have had them over for dinner. It was fun to get together again. They have three is just wee little baby, he was actually the quiet one out of the bunch. The other 4 guys had a blast being loud, playing chase, playing with cars and doing all the stuff boys love to do.  I made my first East Indian Curry for was delish and spicy. I was happy with the way it turned out. I plan on making more Indian dishes...I love all the spices and aromas that come from this cuisine. I had fun throwing together the turned out very Spring...

I filled the candle holders with tiny, malt ball easter eggs and added candy necklaces around the just added to the fun...then the boys got to eat the candy for an after dinner treat. I got the flowers from Trader Joe's about a week ago and they are still going strong.

I took Jettson to see Tim Burton's, "Alice in Wonderland" complaint I have is the title...shouldn't it be "Return to Wonderland" or "Alice Returns?" Then there is the whole 3D thing. I loved it in 3D, I hated it in 3D. The glasses hurt...the glasses leave a weird haze. The glasses made me feel like I needed to keep wiping them.  Then there wonderful moments in all the glittering stars and the way everything just "pops." Other than that, I loved the movie. It's Tim Burton! All the eyes are hallow, the Mad Hatter, was truly mad! I mean who can do crazy, weird and sexy better than Johnny Depp? Can't wait for it to come out on DVD. I think that I would rather watch it in 2D. Jettson loved it too. When he came home he played "Alice" for the rest of the afternoon. It was cute to watch him play. I am not sure if he understands that it's not real.

Yesterday, we took a walk in the Harvey West Park, in the wooded area and the whole time Jettson was looking for rabbit holes. It was cute. I totally got into it with him...only, I really was wishing I could find a rabbit hole to fall into....if only...

Later in the weekend...I did some little projects that I have been wanting to work on...I should have taken some before and after pictures of these bird houses but I only took "after" photos...

I bought these cute little bird houses at the Dollar Tree last year. They were just plain wood...I painted them with some acrylic paint I had and then sprinkled it with my beloved glitter...let dry for a few hours outside and then added a sweet, little furry bird.

I got this bull from a "throw out" pile my sister had...the horn was broke but my super awesome hubs (who can fix anything...truly, he can...I mean anything) fixed the horn for me. This is Mr. Bull's new home....

Don't ask me why...but this just makes me smile...everytime I pass him.

Soooo...what did everyone think about Oscar? I was very, very disappointed :( Last year's Oscars were sooooo good. This year's didn't even compare. I was happy to Sandra Bullock win. I have not seen all the movies that were nominated...saw a few and made sure I knew what each one was about...but overall was not that impressed with 2009's movies. I had a friend over for dinner...I did a very simple tablescape. A neighbor friend of mine gave me the oscar like statute...

Happy Monday Madness...xoC 


Anonymous said...

That's so great! I am looking forward to seeing Alice, I haven't had a chance to see it yet. Did you see the syfy version? Def. too dark for kids but I enjoyed it a lot.

You're right about the Oscars...last year's was definitely better. I really wanted Streep to win for Julie and Julia, but since Sandra Bullock hadn't won yet, it was nice to see her win.

Mary Stewart Anthony said...

Christy, your home is a castle of creative action, and a beautiful haven for your fly guy's return.
Reading Alice at age nine made her my heroine, and I chose her name for my Confirmation, much to my mother's shame. "She is not a saint", was her lament. My reply, "Then I'll make her one!, was almost too much for mom.
Keep writing and sharing.

ck said...

"I am not sure if he understands that it's not real."

That is one of my favorite parts of being a parent. It also makes me miss the days when I never thought to differentiate between reality and fantasy.