Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Not sure what the deal is....but I just feel...blah. I am doing everything that I love...but for some reason...I just feel...so, so.

How weird is that? When I was pregnant...I had so much energy...and now all that energy has been zapped. I just feel like I am dragging. Wish...I could just hop on a plane and journey off to Paris. I would hideaway in a beautiful Parisian apartment, that had an amazing view of the city, all decorated in white, with pink roses everywhere and it would have the most amazing antiques a soul could have around them. I would have coffee and croissants every morning and then I would take a walk to the Paris Flea markets and shop to my hearts content. Then I would find a lovely cafe for lunch. I would drink wine till I was silly, then I'd skip back to my apartment for an afternoon of spa treatments...and since it's my fantasy, I would eat eclaires (of course it would be calorie free...since French Women do not get fat) while having a pedicure....oh, for the days...when my life was not too far from this fantasy.

Please, do not think me ungrateful for my very charming, loving life. It's just that I'm longing to be alone. Sad, uh? I have everything. I have what most women dream about...but sadly, I just was to be alone, left in peace and quiet. Maybe not entirely, but as of this week...yes, yes I do. 

I am being honest, because no matter what you have, or where you are in life...it seems as though there are times when things are tough and you just want to escape...even if you have it "all." 

Paris 2002

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