Friday, February 26, 2010

Nothing of Great Importance

This past week I have been accepted to be a guest blogger over at Jolly Mom (Thank you Piera for this opportunity). I am soooo excited. Which means, I have got to get it in gear as I am making something and have to write it up and do photos...wish me luck. This is a break that I've been looking for. Part of me is a little scared but if I want to move forward in blog world, I need to kiss my fears goodbye and go for it.

My little guys have been giving me a lot to chew on, parenting wise. Jett is 6 and is finally simmering down! I have been taking some great advice from a well seasoned mom that know and admire. I have been seeing results!!! Hooray! I swear after six of years of parenting I am finally realizing that this whole thing is really 50/50....50% of it is me and whatever goodies are in my bag of tricks and the other 50% is the kid. I really did think that when I saw a kid acting badly it was ALL the parents fault, and while there is some truth to that it's not the whole story---as I've learned with Jettson. Whew! That boy has a will made of pure platinum! However, I am happy to write that right now I seem to have some tricks in the bag that are working for us. The other thing about parenting is that you have to kinda go through a few hoops to find what is going to work for one kid and of course nothing I ever did with Jett when he was 2 1/2 remotely works for Owen! I'm jumping through a whole new set of hoops with him. He is super talkative which in some ways is wonderful, but in some other ways it's already challening.

I love the boys! They keep me on my toes, that's for sure. Don't ya just want to grab'em and hug'em, squeeze'em and kiss'em? Jettson was not all that happy for me to be taking his photo.

Have a Serendipitous Weekend!!

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